Front-end Web Developer
Hi, its me Ash
From India.
Ghost Band
About me
AIs are human, but faster.
Hii, I am Ansh Kumar Shah liked to be addressed as Ash. I'm a 15 years old Indian High School Student studying with his maximum effort to get the best college. I started coding 5 years ago and I'm sure it was my best decision. Apart from programming, I also love mathematics because of that experience while solving a problem, joy and surprise when the answer is correct.
My Skills & Interest
  • Front-end Web Development
  • Python Programming
  • Data Science
My Work
Python programming
Python was my first programming language, I made my first program with it when I was 11. Over these years I have gained enough experience that I can say that there's no problem impossible for me to do using python.
Front-end web developement
I started web development when I was 14, it was a very enjoyful experience for me. Over the years I have made plenty of webpages, redesigned my websites over 20 times and everytime I make something new, I always learn something new.
Data Science
Mathematics has always been a field of interest in my life, I love they way how mathematics can lead to reasonable predictions and other applications. Data Science is probably the best field with best application of mathematics.
My Projects
Color Matcher
Tic Tac Toe
My Docs
All projects
A webpage explaining every project in my website.
Contact Me
Discord: itsMeAsh0304
GitHub: its-meAsh